Data: 16/09/2020 – Professora: Nilda Rodrigues dos Santos Lima - Disciplina: Língua Inglesa – Conteúdo: Avaliação Diagnóstica.


Escola Municipal Ayrton Senna da Silva

Nome:__________________________________________Série: 8º ano A

Profª: Nilda Rodrigues dos S. Lima                                 Data: 16/09/2020


Leia o texto para responder as questões de 01 a 05.

01. Where will Nick work?

a.     (  ) Nick won’t work at Panora High School

b.     (  ) Nick will work at Panora High School.

c.     (  ) Nick will work at the Bank.


02. When will he start working?

a.     (  ) He will start working after the Easter.

b.     (  ) He will start working after the Carnival.

c.     (  ) He will start working after the holiday.


03. Why will he have to work hard?

a.     (  ) Because the school doesn’t have a high level of education.

 b.    (  ) Because the school has a high level of education.

c.     (  ) Because the school wishes  a high level of education.


04. What does The State University offer?

a.    (  )  The State University offers many master’s courses in the afternoon.

b.    (  ) The State University offers many master’s courses in the morning.

c.    (  ) The State University offers many master’s courses in the evening.


05. Mark  TRUE or FALSE according to the text.




a) Scott will teach at Panora High School.



b) Nick is curious.



c) Nick will make $5,000.00 plus health care and others benefits.



d) Nick will take a course in the evening.




A sequência correta é..,

a.   (  ) false, false, true, true.

b.   (  ) true, false, false, true

c.   (  ) true, true , false, true.


Escolha a opção correta para  completar as sentenças.

06. O adjetivo good no comparativo de superioridade e´...

a.(  ) gooder           

b.(  ) better than

c. (  ) the best

 07. What’s _________ car in the world? (Qual é o carro mais rápido do mundo?)

a.(  ) the faster           

b.(  ) the fastest

c. (  ) the fastter.

08. Watch _________ videos on YouTube. (Assista os vídeos mais populares do YouTube)

a. ( ) the more popular         

 b. ( ) the most popular

c. (  ) the popular

09. A tradução da sentenção “The father is older than his son.”

a. ( ) O pai é mais velho do que seu filho.       

 b. ( ) O pai é mais alto do que seu filho.       

c.  ( ) O pai é mais forte  do que seu filho.       

10. Relacione as colunas:

(1) angry

(2) easy

(3) funny

(4) glad


(  ) fácil

(  ) contente

(  ) bravo

(  ) divertido

A sequência correta é..,

a.      (  ) 1, 2, 3, 4.

b.      (  ) 3, 1, 2, 4.

c.      (   ) 2, 4, 1, 3.


                                                    Good luck!!!!!!


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