Data: 30/09/2020 – Professora: Nilda Rodrigues dos Santos Lima - Disciplina: Língua Inglesa – Conteúdo: Correção das Atividades do dia 23/09/2020.

 Escola Municipal Ayrton Senna da Silva

Nome:__________________________________________Série: 8º ano A

Profª: Nilda Rodrigues dos S. Lima                                 Data: 23/09/2020

Conteúdo: Adjectives Comparatives and superlatives



1. Answer these questions in English.( Responda as questões em inglês)

a) Who is the strongest man in the world? (Quem é o homem mais forte do mundo?)

Leopold is the strongest man in the world

b) Who has the longest hair in the world? (Quem tem o cabelo mais comprido do mundo?)

Clara has the longest hair in the world.


c) Why does Pat fall? (Por que Pat cai?)

Because his shoes are so long.


2. Identify the performers of the circus. Write their names. (Identifique os artistas do circo. Escreva seus nomes)

a) Pot is Pit and Pot’s father. (é o pai de Pit and Pot )

b) Leopold  perform his act every night. (realiza sua atuação todas as noites )  

c) Clara has a daughter. (tem uma filha )  


3. Complete each sentence with the correct comparative form of the adjective in parentheses. Add than when necessary.

Do you think money is more important than (important) good health?

b) This dress is nicer than (nice) that one.  

c) My old bike was bigger than (big) my new one.

4. Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the adjective in parentheses.

a) Mount Everest is the highest (high) mountain in the world.

b) In my opinion, Araguaia River is the most beautiful (beautiful) river in Goiás.

c) Pedro is the oldest (old) person in his family.



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