Data: 28/10/2020 – Professora: Nilda Rodrigues dos Santos Lima - Disciplina: Língua Inglesa – Conteúdo: Irregular Comparatives and Superlatives Adjectives- Atividade de fixação.

Escola Municipal Ayrton Senna da Silva

Nome:__________________________________________Série: 8º ano A

Profª: Nilda Rodrigues dos S. Lima                                 Data: 28/10/2020

Conteúdo: Irregular Comparatives and Superlatives Adjectives- Atividade de fixação


Leia a tabela com atenção para responder as atividades.

Irregular Comparatives and Superlatives Adjectives







the best

I feel BETTER today.

Daniel is THE BEST student in class.



the worst


She is THE WORST liar I have ever known.


farther / further

the farthest / the furthest

I can swim FARTHER THAN you.

My car is THE FARTHEST one.

1.                Traduza os adjetivos abaixo:

Good  _____________________________

Bad    _____________________________

Far     _____________________________ 

Better _____________________________

Worse _____________________________


2.                Escreva (C) para as sentenças que estão no comparativo e (S) para  as que estão no superlativo: Para responder pesquisa na tabela

a.     (  ) I feel BETTER today.

b.     (  ) Daniel is THE BEST student in class.

c.      (  ) Gol is WORSE THAN HRV.

d.     (  ) She is THE WORST liar I have ever known.


Leia o texto e traduza-o para responder as questões 3 e 4


Now, I live in the biggest city in Goiás, but I have lived in different cities in Goiás. I think my favorite cities are Aruanã and Jataí. As you know the weather is colder in Jataí. I lived in Jataí in 2018 and I always went to the movies and parks. Jataí is bigger than Aruanã. 

In Aruanã, it is hotter and we can fish at Araguaia River. And, in my opinion, Araguaia River is the most beautiful river in Goiás. We can eat delicious dishes there. I think I will visit my friends in Aruanã again.



3.                Answer these questions in English.


a)     Which city is hotter, Jataí or Aruanã? (Qual cidade é mais quente, Jataí ou Aruanã?)



b)    In the author’s opinion, which is the most beautiful river in Goiás? (Na opinião do autor, qual é o rio mais bonito de Goiás?)



c)     What can we eat in Aruanã? (O que podemos comer em Aruanã?)



d)    What is the biggest city in Goiás? (Qual é a maior cidade de Goiás?)


4.                Based on the text, write a small text comparing 3 cities that you have visited. (Baseado no texto acima, escreva um pequeno texto em português comparando 3 cidades que você já visitou.)






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